KMD Klaus Mathis
Stock brokers and Securities Trading Company, Ltd.

  Office Osterath · Breite Straße 23 · 40670 Meerbusch · Phone: (02159) 9224 372 · Fax: (02159) 911 477 · E-Mail:  


Equity Linked Bond -

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Welcome to our KMD Website on the Internet.

As brokers with price determination responsibility at the Düsseldorf Stock Exchange (EDP No. 4188) we are responsible - with a few exceptions - for determining the price of fixed-interest securities quoted in official trading in Düsseldorf.

Federal securities and a portion of jumbo loans are traded and quoted all day between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

This trading is conducted in terms of the quality guidelines of the Düsseldorf Stock Exchange.

Under KMD Bond Trading you will find current prices at which securities are traded.

Please contact your bank.


Under Company you will find information about our company and its history.

Management and staff are listed under Team.

News about our company can be found under KMD News.

If you have questions, please call:
(Phone 0211-8902-153 Klaus Mathis
or 0211-8902-251 Alfred Neuhaus)


The team at KMD wishes all of their friends and associates a successful year in 2006, full of good health, good fortune and the 'right prices'.

We would also like to thank you all for your cooperation, fair-play and support in the contest fought between David and Goliath in the past year.


Ihre Ansprechpartner erreichen Sie wie folgt:

Herr Mathis (0172) 213 2844

Herr Neuhaus (0172) 24 13 900

Fax (02159) 911 477


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